Redesign Magazine
Issue Launch #01
Over the past few months, I have learnt a style of illustration that sees large, sometimes disproportionate and cartoon inspired characters ‘doing things’. With this drawing aesthetic and guide in place, I was able to hone in on a topic and ideate some structure to my narrative with the use of illustrations; thus creating another version of people doing things in order to promote a magazine launch. By selecting the project brief of a magazine launch, I was able to explore almost any means of story-telling, in which my illustration style was successfully adapted.

My concept takes inspiration from such magazines as ‘Frankie’, ‘Peppermint’ and ‘Breathe’ Magazines alongside multiple other independent artists within the design community. As noted in the accompanying video, the introduction of the magazine is noted with a basic animated slide-in, then follows the story of a young woman sitting on her couch surrounded by lovely belongings whilst flipping through the pages of ‘Redesign Magazine’. 

The magazine showcases categories of special interest, with a particular look at keeping oneself busy during the Pandemic. The categories include gardening, music and exercise, all of which are seen in the video through large bubbles above the reader.
This style decision was influenced by the notion of the reader perusing the contents of the magazine and seeing herself become inspired to try such special interests. Each interest or category has a two second glimpse with a small animation to hint at what’s to come in the pages of the magazine, almost like a table of contents. Once the contents has been viewed, the story continues with the woman feeling empowered as she is standing on top of a skyscraper of ‘Redesign Magazines’, highlighting the fact that this magazine has unlocked her potential of creativity. Little icons or stickers of cute illustrations transition onto the screen which  is then suddenly replaced with a scene changer (seen throughout
the video) to the woman seen on the couch now subscribing to the online website for the magazine. This is where video two, a four frame GIF is in reference to. The second video sees the woman at a computer with coffee in hand, having successfully subscribed to the website magazine. This small GIF would be found in an email notification upon subscribing.
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